The 2016 IEEE Workshop on Signal Processing Systems is the thirtieth in this series. The IEEE SiPS Workshop started in 1982 under the name IEEE VLSI Signal Processing Workshop, as a biennial event of the IEEE Acoustics, Speech and Signal Processing (ASSP) society, now known as the IEEE Signal Processing society, and was sponsored by the “VLSI for Signal Processing” Technical Committee, now known as “Design and Implementation of the Signal Processing Systems (DISPS)”. Since 1992, the workshop has been held annually, and has been held in the Americas, Europe and Asia in an alternating pattern.
Starting in 1997, the workshop scope was broadened to include more system applications. The workshop name was changed to “IEEE Workshop on Signal Processing Systems” and was first abbreviated as SiPS and often as SIPS. Also, starting in 1997, the workshop was cosponsored by the DISPS Technical Committee of the IEEE Signal Processing society and the VLSI Systems and Applications Technical Committee of the IEEE Circuits and Systems (CAS) society. This partnership between the two IEEE societies is continuing with the DISPS TC providing the yearly meeting organization.
The papers from the 1st workshop, held in 1982, were included in the monograph, “VLSI and Modern Signal Processing.” The papers from the 2nd Workshop on VLSI Signal Processing in 1984 were the first volume produced by IEEE but are labeled as number “I”. The other workshops under the IEEE VLSI Signal Processing Workshop series bear the numbers “II” through “IX” even though the 1996 meeting was actually the tenth in the series. The succeeding meetings from 1997 onward are not explicitly numbered and have the current title of “IEEE Workshop on Signal Processing Systems.” The Proceedings of the workshop until 2001 were printed by the IEEE Press as hard cover books. In 2002 the proceeding were printed in soft cover format and a CD-ROM version of the Proceedings was also distributed. Today, the proceedings are distributed on a USB drive and archived on IEEE Xplore.
The IEEE Xplore archive maintains the 1992 through current year proceedings:
1992-1996 IEEE VLSI Signal Processing Workshop
1997-2015 IEEE Workshop on Signal Processing Systems
2012 IEEE Workshop on Signal Processing Systems
Many thanks to Keshab K. Parhi, 2002 General Chair, and Naresh R. Shanbhag, 2002 Technical Program Chair, for the 2002 Message from the Workshop Chairs, which provided much of the information in the above history.