Authors are invited to submit full-length (6 pages maximum), original, unpublished papers. Previously published papers or papers currently under review for other conferences/journals should not be submitted and will not be considered.
Online Paper Submission
Authors are invited to submit full-length (6 pages maximum), original, unpublished papers. Previously published papers or papers currently under review for other conferences/journals should not be submitted and will not be considered. Word and Latex (+ Bibtex) templates are available to help you prepare your manuscript.
Paper submission is through EasyChair:
Camera-Ready Paper Submission
To submit your camera-ready paper, please follow the instructions in the author kit that will be emailed after paper acceptance. Instructions for the Copyright Form will be given after paper acceptance.
At least one author must beĀ registeredĀ for the conference at the full (non-student) rate by 23:59 August 28, 2016 (Eastern US Time). Failure to do so will result in the removal of the paper from the Technical Program and the Proceedings. Each full registration covers up to three papers. A fourth paper can be covered with the purchase of an additional registration.